Decades of Wisdom with Louise Stewart, Founder of NakedHealth MediSpa

In this expert interview, we delve into the insights and experiences of a seasoned veteran in the health and beauty sector. With over 40 years of expertise, Louise Stewart, founder of Nakedhealth MediSpa, sheds some light on the evolution of the industry, the secrets to clinic success, and invaluable advice for aspiring practitioners. 

Coherent Louise, you've spent over 40 years in the health and beauty industry. What inspired you to initially get involved in the sector?

Louise: It's been quite the journey! Initially, my fascination with retail and fashion led me into the sector. I began my career at Harvey Nichols and while it was an exciting place to work, I soon realised its limitations. They were owned by Debenhams back then and the retail sector was in the doldrums. I made good progress but when they had a redundancy round I realised that further progression would be slow and those above would be staying. 

That's when I seized the opportunity to venture into the health spa business. I worked for a small company setting up and running a mini health spa combining sauna, beauty treatments, and (I’m ashamed to say) even sunbeds. From there, the path unfolded, leading me to co-found Nakedhealth MediSpa.

After a couple of years the owners decided to sell and concentrate on their core business as paper merchants. A colleague and I persuaded Barclays Bank to give us a 100% loan and we bought the business. This grew and developed over the next 21 years before we sold to the DoveSpa Group in 2001. Those 21 years saw a lot of progress with technology but the beauty and medical worlds were still very separate; the medical preferring to focus on invasive surgery. I thought there might be an opportunity here. 

After the sale I was introduced to David Gateley, a well-regarded Consultant Plastic Surgeon. The beginning of the new century saw big changes in our industries: beauty and wellbeing was going high tech and surgeons were seeking less invasive solutions. We thought this would provide the perfect opportunity to merge our expertise and together we formed Nakedhealth, one of the first medispas in the UK bringing together those two worlds.

I have always been interested in people and how they feel about themselves so I guess that is how I ended up in this sector. There you go…a very short CV spanning many years!

Coherent: You've run 3 successful clinics in your career, no mean feat! What is the secret to running a successful health and beauty clinic?

Louise: People are at the heart of everything. Whether it's our dedicated team, reliable suppliers, or loyal clientele, fostering strong relationships is key and I work hard on all these relationships and hope to create the right culture where everybody is thriving. Creating a positive company culture and ensuring exceptional customer service are non-negotiable. All stakeholders have to enjoy their interactions. 

Additionally, financial savvy, hiring an excellent Finance Director, and staying attuned to customer needs are essential for sustained success.

Coherent: Your staff retention rates are remarkable, with many of your staff being with you for over a decade! What's your secret to retaining such engaged, loyal employees? 

Louise: I believe in fostering a supportive and nurturing environment where every team member feels valued and heard. Regular one-on-one sessions allow for open communication, a chance to give praise, hear about what is going on in your team’s lives, and address any concerns promptly. If there is a hint of discord within the team I try to deal with it immediately. It's about creating a workplace where everyone thrives, both personally and professionally.

Coherent: Operating a MediSpa must come with its challenges. Can you share some of these challenges and how you overcome them?

Louise: Indeed, challenges abound! Deciding where to spend your money is one of them. In an industry where all new technologies require an investment the size of a sports car it is difficult making the right decision. We approach this with thorough evaluation of the medical evidence, looking at trial numbers and the people behind the technology. We never jump in head first; we are quite slow and considered. 

Choosing the right software is another challenge. Nothing in the industry is perfect. You have to be able to rely on the accuracy of a software system’s reporting and be prepared to badger away on their suggestion platforms for new features.

Finally, Space! Every square foot matters. Getting as much out of the space you have whilst not compromising on the customer experience can be challenging. You have to keep reviewing with fresh eyes.

Coherent:  What advice would you give to someone starting out in the health and beauty industry today?

Louise: Passion and long-term vision are paramount. This industry demands dedication and perseverance, so it's essential to be in it for the right reasons. 

Don’t do it if you think it is easy money. Focus on creating meaningful connections, listen to your customers, stay attuned to industry trends, and never compromise on quality.

In closing, Louise Stewart's journey exemplifies the transformative potential of dedication, innovation, and a genuine passion for the health and beauty industry. As Nakedhealth MediSpa continues to thrive under her leadership, her insights serve as a guiding light for aspiring practitioners and seasoned professionals alike.


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