Dr Nestor’s Medical and Cosmetic Centre: “A seamless, joyful client experience”


At Coherent Healthcare, we believe that the convergence of healthcare and hospitality is not a concept but a cornerstone of exceptional patient experiences. A welcoming environment that relaxes and nourishes; a treatment room with the right lighting, music, and scent; a team focused on your journey, not just your clinical outcomes. As it turns out, the team at Dr Nestor’s Medical Cosmetic Centre in Edinburgh are of the same school of thought.

It is a breath of fresh air – the team spares no effort in creating a seamless, joyful client experience. Even in their temporary residence, they've managed to create a sense of belonging. We can only imagine what lies ahead as Nestor and his team prepare to open the doors to their new Edinburgh-based super clinic.

Staying healthy is about to get a lot easier

Beyond what you see on the website, the team at Dr Nestor’s has been hard at work on the development of their new clinic. Great things take time; Nestor has been in possession of the clinic since Covid times.

“We’ll keep doors closed for a few weeks once renovation is done. We want to make sure that all the details are ironed out – it’s what our clients would expect of us, and what they deserve.” 

Dr Nestor’s will remain a haven for cosmetic and medical excellence… but that’s not all. With a new home on the horizon, Nestor expects to be adding additional services to the already extensive menu: out-of-hours GP and morning wellness programming to name a few.

“We need to stop thinking of healthcare in silos. Health requires a more comprehensive outlook… one that doesn’t cut corners.”

The team lives their vision for holistic health. Nicole, the practice manager, is a part-time spin instructor who is bursting with all the right energy. She’s been with the practice for more than 5 years, accruing the kind of institutional knowledge you’d expect of someone who sees her work as much more than a job.


The gentle end of the knife

In the world of aesthetic, cosmetic, and even more traditional dermatology, treatment outcomes can vary widely. Theories abound, and they likely all have some merit, we routinely find that practitioners operating from a place of humility, curiosity, and yes, expertise, deliver the best results.

In our short time with Dr Nestor, we came away certain of exactly that – his humility, curiosity, and expertise, and his willingness to bring each into what can only be described as a healthcare oasis hiding in plain sight.

About this review
This review is authored by Coherent Healthcare. We are committed to promoting the highest quality of healthcare in the UK and work in partnership with practice leaders to improve clinic efficiency to the benefit of all patients. We take pride in writing honest, authentic reviews based on our experience working with different healthcare practices. Importantly, the author of this review is not a patient of the practice. As such, we don’t assess the quality of healthcare but instead focus on our experience visiting the clinic and working with the team. 


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